
Growing up, my house would best be described as the Nigerian soap opera `fuji house of commotion'. Not just because of the number of persons we had living  with us, but as is expected, with so many people living together, there'd be a display of so many funny characters.
Well, let me rant a little about our oga kpatakpata, my father.

Dad is a simple, good natured man, who really delights in having so many people around him but when it comes to his meals, simplicity is thrown out the window oh.
Make my rice like this and my beans like that. Worst of all are his soups.
At a certain period, i was in charge of making the meals at home so, I'd first remove his food before going further to spice or season the remaining meal for the rest of the house. Same applies to his soups as he loves so so much vegetables in his while we don't.

One beautiful day in the course of everyone throwing jabs at each other, my Dad just said `Chioma, you will not kill me with pepper oh, since you took over in the kitchen, my mouth is always on fire. When will you be leaving?
We all paused mid-jab.

We discovered he always felt cheated out whenever he saw our own meals so his wife would sneak some of ours to him. Since he wasn't officially given, he couldn't come out to make any complaints.😂😂😄😉😉😆
Make una help me see ohhhh 
Old man and his drama.
Finally God catch am.


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