First it was fragrance

Pastor Dave couldn't believe Sister Jess could turn down his proposal.
After five days marathon prayer, as he was descending from the mountain of prayer, he quickly called Sister Jess to immediately meet him in church for an important discussion.

On meeting her, Pastor Dave launched into a thirty minutes fire prayer section, then dripping  with sweat and power from above, he went ahead to instruct Sister Jess to pick their wedding date as he was told by the Holy Spirit that she was his ordained wife.

Sister Jess didn't only turn him down on the spot, but warned him to stay clear of her path, leaving Pastor Dave shocked to his bones.

Is it against the law to learn how to woo a woman?
Are there no etiquettes as regards behaviours around one's love interest?
Most importantly, Will the heavens fall if some persons take their personal hygiene serious?
Sister Jess survived the meeting by sheer miracle as the odour from Pastor Dave almost sent her into coma.
The importance of hygiene cannot be over-emphasized.


  1. lols... There are many Pastor Dave in many churches.... over zealous praying brother who stinks to high heavens


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