Home sweet home

"When will you guys come visiting? Please bring me my grandchildren, i want to see them" My parents would always say whenever they called.
Three years later, the gang landed home.

Well, one lovely afternoon i overheard my Mum and Dad talking
Dad: Hmmmmm Best, these children are something else
Mum: My husband, it's been non-stop running, screaming, climbing on and on. I wonder how their parents keep up  with them.
I had myself a beautiful, quiet laugh then went and told the kids Grandma was calling for them.😂😂😂😈😈

By the time we were done with the visit, the kids had left the stamp of their presence everywhere. On the walls, kitchen, floor, clothes, cars...
I'm pretty sure my parents began giving their sacrifice of praise the minute we turned our backs upon bidding them farewell.😄😄😄

My kids are quite a handful and they surely made everyone feel their presence. Well, been home for two weeks plus and there's been no call of 'when are you guys coming.


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