It ends with you!

Jack walked out of the session with his therapist feeling more confident and worthy.
After a failed suicide attempt, his friends intervened and took him to the therapist.

Jack grew up to a daily onslaught by his father. 'Look at me, i'm a Professor of Mathematics, i've worked for years and see where i am. What makes you think you'd be better than me? I've been to all the continents of the world speaking in conferences, consultations, mentorship and lectures are next to nothing for me. Do you know how many international publications i have? Grants i've won and more?
You're nothing like me and for that i'm certain the money i'm spending sending you to college is a waste'.

Jack chose to be a dancer as against the family background of 'high flying professionals' so his father never lost any opportunity he got in running Jack down.

We as parents ought to realize that our words carry great impact on our kids and everything about them. If we were  verbally abused for any reason, that should in itself be enough grounds for us not to perpetuate same with our kids. The same applies to our actions. Our kids should long to emulate us in words and actions, not cringe with fear or wither away.

Our words are the tools through which we create whatever we want to see. Let's create positives.
If we were abused in the past, confront it and them, if you can.
If you're still abused, it's about time to speak up and break free from those persons or circumstances.

Let your words create the world you want to see.


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