Arise oh compatriots!

The state of our nation's leadership is one that demands an overhauling.
A country where every single aspect has deteriorated so bad that the only thing citizens demand now is to be able to just stay alive.

Nothing is working, yet on a daily basis, our leaders are selling out to corruption, trading the lives and future, as well as the wellbeing of the masses for selfish gain.

Many lives lost, citizens at the brink of starvation, the nation plunged into overwhelming debt, yet there's no logically acceptable explanation except bad leadership.

We as a people have suffered and we're still suffering  because those we voted and entrusted with our welfare have turned against us.
We have a chance and a choice as election draws closer, to rewrite the story of our lives, to save our future and that of our kids.
2023, we will have the chance in our hands to save ourselves or perish.
Let us not be swayed by momentary gains or recognitions or sell out to false promises.
Let's take back our power and reclaim our land from the clutches of death and corruption.


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