Family time!

What beats spending time with your loved ones? 
Playing, smiling or just being together.

Ohhhhh Daddy's schedule is tight, he has to make ends meet, so he's got to travel to around  and be in meetings all the time.

Mummy has to hold the fort but of course she also has got a life and a business to run. 
We can't expect them to just sit at home all day doing nothing or just running around with the kids carelessly in a park. Besides isn't all their working hard for the kids?

Few years down the line we begin to hear 'I don't even know who you look like with such behaviour but it definitely isn't me'
'It's your mother i blame for spoiling you like this'...
On and on the blames and heartache begins to fly because they can barely recognize the young adults their kids have turned into.

Make time for your kids not pinning for them at old age and none will show up
Teach, instruct  and discipline them now, so you don't go regretting at old age.
Take a minute out of that busy schedule now,spend time with your family and get to know them.


  1. I dread being too busy to raise my kids the way I know best. Nothing beats being close to your kids. Honestly.


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