Life of a professional!

Teacher: Good afternoon Mummy D
Me: Afternoon Ma. How's work today?
Teacher: Fine Mummy. Are you coming back or going anywhere special?
Me: I don't understand you. Why are asking?
Teacher: (With a wide grin on her face)
Mummy D, you're wearing a beautiful green silk gown. You're always wearing a black suit or black gown. Your attire today makes me curious that something special is happening.

So, in my bid to prove the teacher wrong, i went home to mu wardrobe hmmmmmm it so happened that i was staring at my wears and 90% of it was in the colour black!😲😬😫😏 Down to my casual wears!

The life of a professional cannot be helped!
It's mostly not about you want as the choice is taken off your hands.
Imagine the banker or the lawyer all decked up in suit in the very hot African sun🌞 making a run between a client and the office, dripping with sweat. Hahahaha what a sight, but what can we do?

Well, baby girl has consciously began shopping for colours. I sure need to spice up my world! 


  1. boring life of a professional. you will go to boutique and buy 10 different clothes of the same colour


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