Offering time: Dancing time!

Offering time!
Blessing time! All the congregation screamed

We always looked forward to this time in church
Beccccaaaaaause it's always time to show offfffff
From dancing skills, to latest wears and all
Especially after some would've slept their way through the sermon😁😁😁

Today was no exception
I made a new dress
Bought myself a wonderful ok shoe
Hot combed my hair
Baptised myself with enough pf my mother's Tony Montana powder.

I was ready to kill it today
So immediately the choir began singing, i sprang up like a kangaroo.
The customary tradition began of dancing out row by row to give our offering.
I was quite alright until it got to my row and i had taken a few dancing steps.
By the time i was getting to the front of the church to give my offering, the heels of my shoes were shaking so badly like it was engaged in a fierce battle with the gates of hell.

Few steps further and the heel of one of my shoe pulled off.
The evil shoe wasn't even the problem
It's just that this shoe chose to disgrace me right in front of the church!
And to think i had been walking on air today, paying no mind to the guys saying hi as i walked into to church.
Seeeeeee i walked straight out, abandoning all else and hailed the next available okada home.
Offering time sure never was the same again.


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