Set awon gold-diggers!

It was a wonderful time hanging out with hubby.
We went town cruising and fun hunting in the new car he got me and while at it, took loads of pictures and videos.

Hubby began posting on his social media handles and as is expected, some people shrivel and grow old whenever they see anyone happy. The snakes started crawling into hubby's Dm
'You bought your wife another car?'
'You mean she dressed up like that?'
'You encourage your wife to be this social, outgoing and free?'

One fine day an acquaintance met hubby and i and in the course of exchanging pleasantries, he goes 
'Madam you dey enjoy oh! You dey finish hubby money and e really dey show for your body'.
And i went 'Oga you're very correct oh, if i no finish the money, who will? Shebi na my husband? Him complain? Small smile for person face una won die. Where una all dey when i bin dey trek, fly okada and keke with am no matter the weather?
Overnight because of small blessings i don become money finisher. Well if na so i gree, i be gold digger'.

Partners will toil and sorrow together in good and bad times.
Little success the other spouse automatically becomes the bearer of everything negative, from money hungry to stingy.

Ohhhhhhh i'm an unapologetic gold digger. Yes i toiled with hubby and so did he with me so we're deserving and have earned the right to partake in enjoying from each other's success. Well, this is a notification to those 'You dey finish the money oh'.


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