Warm loving.

Silently, we tiptoed with our footwears in hand, as we snuck out of the house through the back door and out of the gate we went, running out like hinds were on fire.

Pheeewwwww! We made it!
Having kids is an endless circle of caregiving, problem solving, mediation, tantrum management, on and on and on.

Couples get so caught up in the circle that they forget each other and even themselves.
Therefore making a marriage stay warm is a deliberate, intentional and conscious effort.

Hubby and i had long decided early in our marriage, on regularly having our alone time. 
A million and one activities in the recent and we had touch.
We went visiting my parents and for all the time we spent there, we made maximum use of.
We never passed on any opportunity to sneak out and spend alone time with each other.
And sure, it was a magical spice to our relationship.
Always find the time to love up with your partner, to keep your relationship warm.


  1. Yes ooo I support this with one truck of cement to make it very strong


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