Work it, work it love!

Delusional was the thought that love was everything  we needed to get our relationships working.

Many of us grew up thinking this way.
However the reality and truth came knocking hard.
No relationship business, romantic or otherwise can thrive without care.

Like any plant we ought to tend to it.
Every relationship has challenges peculiar to it so we ought to give it what it need to thrive, from love to attention, affection, trust, working it out in good or bad times.

Like the saying goes 'The grass looks greener on the other side'. This is not magic. The grass is actually greener because somebody has been tending to it.
What do you think your marriage needs?
What do you think that business relationship needs to grow.
Every relationship needs work to grow. Not just work, but one that is peculiar to the needs of the success of that relationship. 


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