You don hit my car!

When hubby got me this car, i vowed there won't be a single scratch on the car.
All shiny, bright and sparkling
Indeed an envy.

Of course just like i vowed from day one, six months after, not even a scratch.
Every time i came home, I'd wiggle my bum at hubby and say 'i did it!'

Until one faithful day
Tyre screeeeccccchhhhhhhh and gbam.
There i sat, with stars hovering over my head like a halo and my ears ringing.
Oga Sir was driving against traffic in a bend.
Ohhhhhhh guess what? The Oga that bashed me tried running away but fortunately for me and unfortunately for him, he got caught in traffic just a stone throw from where he hit me.

Well, he got caught and decided to resort to intimidation but long story short, he fixed my car.

Can you relate to the hurt of being bashed?
Some try to intimidate you
Some run away
Some start begging and crying, while listing out all their life's problems
However some do it purposefully and then fake remorse
Whatever the case, the pain that comes with having your car scratched or hit, is sure.

After this episode, i don't blame those who fix crazy things around their cars to protect against things like this.
As for me, i've resolved that if you bash me, i go bash you!


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