Be true to yourself

Jesus had done it again, turning water into wine! Brother Joe exclaimed the minute he sighted his pastor walking towards him.

Brother Joe was a very serious and committed member of the church. So serious that he was put in charge of the prayer team.

It was a very important and sensitive position and unanimously everyone voted him in. He was dedicated, never missed any program in church, even his appearance was holy.

So shocked was Pastor when he happened upon Brother Joe.
So many people live double lives. Today they're this, next tomorrow they're that. Dual personalities, you can't tell who they really are.
Fear fear oh.

What will it cost people to stay genuine?
Some claim relationships with persons they don't know,
Others claim to have properties as well as businesses or investments they  don't have.
Living fake lives to oppress or intimidate when nobody cares and someday they'd be discovered as the frauds that they are.
Truth cost nothing, rather it saves everything.


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