Before the 'I Do'.

'Why is the generator still on? Can't you see there's light?' He bellowed.
'I didn't know they had brought the light' His wife responded.
'Of course! How will you know when you're not the one buying the fuel'.
On and on the man went until the ears of everyone in my house was quite full.
This was yesterday's episode from my neighbour.

We've heard this saying so many times 'Marry who you'd build with' and most times just waive it aside. However, for every relationship each partner must have something they contribute. This is a fact irrespective of our bias or how we choose to weigh it. 

The contribution varies and is peculiar to every relationship. To some it might be giving up your career for awhile to become the caretaker of the kids, to others it could be taking on an extra job to raise more cash and to another it might be cutting down on work so as to spend more time with the family.

Contributions to relationships are not optional. They are the bedrock upon which homed are built because it takes two to tango.
Deposits in relationships  cannot be one sided and it would be expected to survive.

The case of my neighbour above is an example of a relationship that is one sided. Partners become burdened and begin to find outlets. For the narcist and saddists, they begin to find ways to run their partners down.
For those with goid partners, they cover up, encourage and challenge their spouse and they never use it to belittle them.

So before you scream 'i do' you really should find something doing with yourself. Discover you and what you're worth so you don't get toyed with or tossed around.


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