Going through the corners?

Why are you staring down your nose at me?
It isn't like this strategy is a new thing
Come off it jor, we've all done it at one point or the other. Some of us are even living this method.

Well, it's not really my fault
You know how it is with men; they sure love a good massaging and pampering so, why not? If that's the route to getting me what i want.

Here i am sitting across hubby when i go 'Sweetness can we take a stroll? It sure is a beautiful evening, the kids have been bathed and fed, and i get to have a little alone time with you'.
'Why not?' He says with his face lit up.
I smile coyly like all them girls do on tv when they hit it.

Three minutes into the walk and we're getting to the joint, i say 'Baby, would you love some barbecue  chicken? Let me spoil you a little'.
So i drag Bobo all smiles into joint.

Well, as you can see, right now, peppered chicken in one hand and a very chilled hollandia to step it down. I'm relaxing and winding down at no cost. All i needed was a little tender loving, a nudge here and there and tada somebody's daughter is chilling.

Is it not for ordinary chicken? My Dear, yes oh but whatever the end prize, the format remains the same. 
I know, 😊 it's a life transforming secret right?
You're welcome. Besides, what are friends for?


  1. Na stroll you want abi na chicken you want. make una dey tell is these things from the onset


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