I like you, talk your own.

It was with the totality of everything in her termed 'control', that kept Tess from doubling over with laughter as Jeff went on and on.
Encouraged by her occasional smile, Jeff truly felt he had hit jackpot. 

There was no look of boredom or disappointment nor was there irritation or mockery on her face.
Jeff could only thank his lucky stars.
It took almost six months of self motivation, consistent jabs from his friends and finally his burst of jealousy when he saw Tess hug Kario for him to summon the courage he needed to profess his love to her.

One day, Jeff boarded a bus after visiting Mike his friend. That was how providence smiled upon him and brought a book seller to market his books in the bus. Jeff's interest was immediately captured when he saw the book 'How to win her'. 
This was definitely the answer to hid prayers as he had been consumed with thoughts of how to communicate his feelings to Tess.
This book was the answer to it all. And to think that it came at the cost of #150.

Jeff ate through the pages of the book like party jollof rice so that by the time he was alighting from the bus he had already chosen the poems and rhymes he'd be using from the book.

Monday couldn't come soon enough. Jeff was pumped up and ready. He had spent all weekend memorizing his lines, so the minute he saw Tess, he took her aside before the monday assembly time and began downloading. 

It was a romantic and honestly well thought and heartfelt. Unfortunately, Tess had seen the same book the week before in her elder brother's drawer and as the hopeless romantic that she was, she had taken the book and read it cover to cover.
Secondary school love in it's funny and purest form.

Remember when we used to write love letters with perfumed books or biros?
Remember employing your classmate who you felt was better in English and literature to write the letters when you couldn't?
Remember buying that single red rose and sending it? Of course it couldn't have been a real plant!
Remember 'dipping your pen in the ink of love or picking your pen from the basket of love to write the letter'?

The good old innocent days of loving.
Oya tell us your own love story.


  1. Lols... I remember receiving a couple of such letters... innocent me didn't even comprehend what they meant till much later in life. I recall the day my younger brother found a couple of these letters and handed them over to my parents. I think my parents still have the letters till date. wetin concern me sef.


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