Just a little love

It had rained a great deal this morning and as is a given in most of Nigerian roads, the road my Dad and i were plying wasn't only bad but muddy so everyone was driving carefully and dodging potholes as best as we could.

Dad was trying to negotiate around a pothole when a keke driver coming opposite us practically flew to stop in front of us.
In less than a minute, we already had cars behind us and in no time the traffic blocked the road.

Nobody was going forward or backward. No one was moving. We were all stuck.
The gridlock came to be just because a man chose to be inhumane. We sat in that gridlock for hours before it finally got resolved.

Why do we sometimes display some level of inhumanity that is not only weird but funny and won't cost us anything. Like allowing an elderly,pregnant or ill person to use the atm before us, allowing a person to drive past a bump before you, letting someone out the door before you...

As we go out today, yes, we may be in the right but can we just show at least one act of kindness.


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