Life of an introvert.

Ring Ring!
Ring Ring!!
Ring Ring!!!
'Hello, Babe get dressed. There's something I'd love to show you. I'd be there home in 20 minutes so please start dressing up'.

What did Chioma do?
Tuck herself deeper in her duvet and went back to sleep until the sound of hubby's horn got me sitting bolt up.

I always complained about hubby and i not doing alot of fun stuffs so he began coming up with loads of suggestions but somehow, i found a way to squash every idea that involved going out.
I'd whine and cry but back out whenever the time came to go out.

Well, this time, hubby was not having it. He stayed on my tail until i had my shower, got dressed and he bundled me out albeit my reluctance to leave my comfy comfy fluffy bed.
However,once out the door, it was from one fun activity to the other and what a swell time it was, spending an alone time with hubby without the kids.

The fact that i love stay indoors doesn't mean i also do not love a good dose of outings. Infact, i actually do alot of those, it's just that they all take place in my mind.😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆


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