Life saver!

There was only one thing that could make sense to me right now; fooooooddddd and a quick one at that.

Seeeeee eh, i don't understand why people can't be time conscious. Today being the last Saturday has always been set aside for church thanksgiving and dedication. We already know this usually is a long service but simple offering and benediction, Brother Timothy didn't want to stop. He went from one rhema exposition to another  and another. But for the fact that i am a well known face in church, i would've absconded before the close of today's service.

I was seeing angels by the time i got home and i needed a quick fix more that i needed oxygen. Like the saviour it truly is, my ever faithful and loving friend 'GARRI' showed up.

The minute my wonderful companion came into light, hunger fled away.
Garri has been a very powerful life saver from before the foundations of everything. It's quick to fix, affordable, life elongating and addictive. Ever had garri with cold water, milk, groundnut and sugar on a very sunny day?
Give it a try and thank me later.
For the wonderful way you came through for me today, garri, i throway salute!


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