Soft spot; weak point!

'It's not possible! It's best you forget that idea as soon as you possible can because i can't help you' Mum said as she quickly walked away.
She didn't hesitate for a second and wasn't interested in any other thing i had to say.

This was quite a blow, a major setback for what i wanted to do.
Couldn't let Mum close up like that so i thought hard and fast and surprise surprise, i got a quick and sweet idea.

The aroma was strong and appetizing. Mum walked into the kitchen smiling and salivating, asking 'what's going on here?'
Well, well, this was my own kinda venison; yam porridge with lots  dryfish and vegetable.
Mum has always been a crazy lover of yam as well as dryfish.
So she ate to her heart's content and didn't bat an eyelid as i made my request a second time. I got what i wanted on a platter.

Everybody has got that soft spot they respond to whenever it is tapped.
That thing that can make you give your all just because. It might take several forms like food, words of affection or praise, attention, gifts...
Learn to tap into it and you'd have people running to you and eating out of your hand.


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