The clergyman.

'Pray without ceasing'
So says the scriptures right? Ohhhhhh yeah!
Spending the holiday with my parents has been one roller coaster, the endless prayers, being the biggest highlight.

We were having a relaxed evening, free flowing conversations, jests, laughter, endless stories amongst us, one thing led to another when in the middle of a story from one of my brothers, my mother began singing warfare songs and before you know it, we were thirty minutes gone and counting.

How about the nights we had already retired for bed and calls come in from a church member in panic or spilling problems and my parents would have to run to that person's house, hospital or spend endless hours on the phone.

Not forgetting times when we hadn't paid our fees but my parents were paying fees of members? How about times we had to give out our last meal smiling or spending our last cash to support members. And the days of housing and fending for so many families, some showing up at our doorstep without a notice.

These and many more are the secret lives of clergymen and their families and tomorrow one sees them happy over a little success or material possession or upgrade and some persons would want to run mad with envy and the endless accusations that all Pastors do is eat tithe and offerings.

Well, there's a little glimpse of the real life behind closed doors of clergy families. First hand information; it's not in the driving of fancy cars or beautiful houses. I hope people also envy the way they selflessly minister to people behind closed doors.


  1. I don't think people like to hear about the investment in people's lives at all.

  2. Nobody wants to hear this one.


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