The pretty little ones

Ohhhhhh Lord!
I'm rolling on the floor and having myself a crazy good laugh.

Remember growing up as kids, whenever we wanted to get anything outside what our parents originally planned giving us, or whenever we craved for a different menu, we sent our last born to go cry to our mum claiming that he wanted those things.
Ohhhhhhhh how this trick worked wonders!
From snacks to change of menu and everything we could get him to cry about. Of course we never got them all, but we got most of our requests.

Well, my family and i went visiting my parents to spend the holiday period with them.
After service today, our last born wanted to buy something to eat and didn't have the cash for it so he decided to use my son and this was how it went down:

Uncle F: D come. Go and hug Grandma, then tell her you're hungry and you want to buy...
Runs off to meet his Grandma
D: Grandma, Uncle F said that he wants to eat...
Well, just know that we've all being having a good laugh all day.


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