Tough chores

Ever remembered a chore you deliberately forgot and then go 'Ohhhhhhhhh Lord!'
You've been putting it off since forever, hoping that somehow hours later when you stumble upon it, your fairy god-mother would've fixed it?

Hours later, and a thousand wishes after, the chores are there staring you in the face
You've even walked past four times going on the fifth before you finally summon the courage and attack the chore.

I excel at other chores but i'm particularly lazy when it comes to doing laundry, so i found every excuse to avoid doing it unless i had to. I'd rather source the chore out to a drycleaner. Salvation found me when hubby took pity on me and bought me a washing machine. Thanks to that, i now do the family washing without giving it a second thought.

My younger sis would give anything to escape doing the dishes. I enjoyed the chore so in exchange i got large chunks of meat, sizeable portion of meals, cash, and a host of other favours from her.😆😆😆😆

Some persons are good at doing it all. Well, the likes of us will outsource whenever we can. What's that one chore that gets you thinking?


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