What's anyone's life worth?

Had to rush hubby to the hospital because he was in excruciating pains.
Prior to this time, he traveled to the East and was knocked down by malaria so he went to a pharmacy where some drugs were prescribed to him. The second day into the drugs, he had developed boils all over his body. Very painful oned at that. Of course he discontinued the medication but the deed was done.

On arrival to the hospital, it was diagonised hubby was reacting to fake drugs he took. The treatment for this reaction cost us three times the amount of treating the primary illness. IMAGINE!

Three weeks ago, a two storey building around my area collapsed due to the use of sub-standard materials in building the house.

This menance of cutting corners so as to spend less and maximize profit has been a deep societal menance.

We've so lost our humanity that we could care less about those who are at the receiving end of whatever it is we render; good or services. So many have died or developed very serious irreversible damages especially health related issues.

Let us be our brother's keeper.
That little money you hope to save by cutting corners might just be people's lives you're either saving or destroying.


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