What's going on?

'Mummy here's my homework, i need help' my son said as he passed me his books.
Well, what's the biggie with Grade 2 take home assignments? Wouldn't amount to much i thought, as i began flipping through the pages of his books.

It was a sight that met my eyes as i began reading through his assignments.
Lengthy write ups at the end of which he was expected  to provide answers to some questions?
How about definitions he was told to write?
How was a boy of 4 years expected to copy definitions from the blackboard?

Decided to browse through his younger sister's homework as well, and was met with the same thing.
How do schools set up curriculum  for kids that are way higher than their age and comprehension can take?
What parameters do these schools use  when setting up their curriculum?

Do we just go about forcing our kids to cram things and dread studying or find interest as well as gain knowledge as they engage in their studies?

Seems we are beginning to miss the true essence  of education, which is to enlighten and  expose the mind to possibilities not being boxed up by texts and letters.
We need to take the pressure off kids and begin to do right as regards their learning.


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