Grandpa on duty

My Dad wouldn't let anyone rest with talks of his grandchildren. Be rest assured that he'd spend over half of whatever call time in talking with his grandchildren and asking them to come over.

Dad wouldn't stop disturbing us about the purported visit until we his children had an agreement amongst ourselves to visit him together with our spouse and kids.

The day had come, it was to be a one week family reunion. A true surprise to our parents.
Excitement in the air, everyone and everywhere bubbling.
By mid-day, Mum was worn out, Dad was caught sneaking away from the kids.
Next he began asking for pain relieg for his headache as well as body paind.

Well, he suceeded in sneaking into his study which i followed and queried him. It wasn't even the end of day 1 and he was absconding from his position and duties. The very same man who tormented us with the talks of seeing his grandchildren was now on the run and hiding.
By noon, we had to tell ourselves the truth and so, everyone began to disappear. Lol.

The kids made the house warm, lovely and fun.
In less than one day upon our return he was asking already for his grandchildren.😂😂😂😂


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