Hallo Gini? what's these all about? Chinese!

'Mummy, it's Halloween!' my son screamed while running around in excitement.
'Hallo what? Hallo who? Hallo where?'
Halloween ohhhhhh

The young man was even telling me with so much excitement the costume he wanted.
Please what does Halloween even mean?

In my time, as kids, the biggest celebration we had was Christmas. New year and Easter were almost non-existent to us. This was a remarkable time because we got to eat rice and stew community style in a stainless tray. We were bought new clothes and shoes and got money gifts sometimes from Uncles and Aunties.

Today we have every kind of celebration and personalities for kids: Halloween, Easter bunny, tooth fairy, fairy Godmother, fairy cartoon characters, fairy everything to finish parents money because that's how they go shouting these period 'Trick or treat'.


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