So Mum made our native soup for dinner. Ohhhhh how we turned it down with so much jesting. Not to mention how mercilessly we teased Mum about the soup. Local soup for millennia guys like us? Nah!
So we got ourselves together and decided to have noodles and went ahead to purchase everything we'd need.
Emmy did the buying,
I prepared the ingredients,
Fay did the cooking.
We all awaited our meal with pride and kept throwing jabs at Mum.
Meal got served, first and second taste, it was all shades of no. From being watery to too peppery.
We found ourselves begging Mum for her local soup. Pride forgotten.
It was eat the soup or go to bed hungry as every store around was closed and it was pretty late to order for anything.
Of course, you guessed right. Mum had herself an incredibly long and loud laugh until her belle began to hurt.
Yours truly and gang were taught humility by force.
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