I see you, I hear you!

Everyone at home sat in the sitting room enjoying a relaxed evening.
The kids were at it as is customary of them with loads of running, screaming and playing.
A little while later, D walks up to me and tells me he wants to get his take home assignment done.

I guided him through those that seemed tough while he elected to do the others on his own. Halfway into his assignment, he began role playing as his school teacher as he began saying things like 'Two letter words are! Repeat after me. 
Hey, Kamsi two letter words are?
Who's talking at the back?
Give me your hand, 123.... Back to your seat!'

He kept going on and on in his monopolistic display and that's how we got to learn of some his talents, his classmates, the way his teacher  behaves with him and more.
Was a shocking experience but helped us to see that kids are very much aware of everything happening around them irrespective of the fact that they might not be vocal. 


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