It's not your place!

Mummy Elisha was looking at her phone screen for the third time when she fainted and went into a coma. She had just seen a friend's status update where pictures of her husband involved in a freak accident graced his status.

Sometime back, it was Gabriella who came crying about finding her wedding invite online. A wedding both couple wanted to be done on a hush hush kinda way.

How about Mummy Feddy? A friend just saw her pregnant,exchanged pleasantries, only to find her pictures online an hour later.

Some persons take it upon themselves to publicize people's stories. Before the news get to its destination, they're posting aready and on the look out for another.
Do not post events until the parties invoved do so.
Unfiltered information, status and so on have caused many accidents and shock, even. Don't go share any news you're priviledged to know; good or bad. Do not


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