It's weight loss right?

11:46pm and my eyes was turning left right
Heyyyyyyyy God! I can do this
Yes i can do this
5 minutes later and i'm like, i should do this
Another 5 minutes, i'm wondering, can i do this?

I look at the full length mirror for changes to my body
Ha, with the kind of hunger I'm dealing with me, i can feel the six packs already.

According to the weight loss experts, they say no more eating after 6pm and one should have fruits for dinner.
Day one, super amazing
Day two, cool
Day three, past midnight and i'm still tracing patterns on my ceiling.

Was the aim of this journey not to loose weight?
Why then should i be here keeping track of what i should be forgetting?
Another spasm of hunger pang and i was rummaging through everything in the kitchen like a starved wolf.

As i sat spread out like an eagle, i quietly told myself the raw truth; it's not every battle one should engage in. Wisdom is needed before engaging.
It's weight loss right? I agree, i've lost the weight to fried goat meat and hot jollof rice. Goodnight!


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