Nag nag o'clock.

Dear Lord! I felt like literally pulling my hair from it's roots as i listened to Mama Kristi, our neighbour's shrill voice going on and on.

Everybody in this neighbourhood knows Mama Kristi for her non-stop talking. It seems like she's on an all time high because her voice wakes you up at sunrise and it's the last thing you hear before you close your eyes at night.

Her voice so loud and shrill, her attitude? You just want to go into hiding whenever she comes around.
She certainly could nag a corpse back to life.
Little wonder members of our compound were thanking God for the life of her husband when he suddenly packed out last week while she was away on a work assignment.

Ever been around a person who nags? You'd know that peace of mind can't be over rated.

It is better to live in a corner of the housetop than in a house shared with a quarrelsome wife.
                            Proverbs 21:9(ESV)


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