School choices; priority(world teacher's day).

'Madam, no school around your area? Why are you bringing them this far?'
I simply smiled and said nothing.

Prior to this time hubby and i thought a certain school was cool for our son.
We wanted him to be associated to the name and the class of people who brought their kids to the school.

As it goes with these kind of school, the fee was high and so were our expectations.
However, our son began falling ill all too frequently. He'd cry whenever it was time to go to school. Always looked subdued whenever we picked him up.
The cycle went on and on, we became big time customers of the pharmacy and almost hospital.

We began noticing his behaviour around his teachers, as though he dreaded being left with them.
One morning,  one of his class teacher told us that they all get apprehensive with thoughts whenever he comes to school because he demands so much attention and won't stop crying.
That statement did it for us. Suddenly it became clear why our son always fell ill and dreaded school; he was treated badly.

A colleague of hubby suggested her son's school.
Wasn't as flashy or as expensive as our son's previous school but it was home.
The teachers treated him with care and love.
Our son was the one who began crying to go to school.
We always found him sitting by his teacher's desk engaged whenever we went to pick him.
So you see, the distance became inconsequential when compared to our son's happiness and health.
Same thing applies to other pupils. Parents should be careful to watch how their wards feel or react to their school, classmates and teachers.
What should take priority should be the wellbeing of the child not class, prestige or the likes of it. This neglect has led to alot of hurt to children, from low self-esteem to depression and even death; so many cases have happened around us, we've even read about some online.
As parents, let's always be on the lookout.

Today, we celebrate world teacher's day. So we dedicate today to say a big thank you to teachers all over the world who have loved, cared and mentored and are still doing same, shaping lives and influencing pupils to be the best.
We celebrate and pray you enjoy goodness.

P.s: It's a joy to be married to one.


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