What's on the inside?

In the 1980's, the  company's board found him too young and also too temperamental to run the company; a company he co-founded. Anyways, he decided to bring in somebody to run the business in his stead in the person of John Sculley, who was a pepsi executive. Differences and disagreements... 1985, Sculley convinced the board to let go of the man who brought him in.

However, a little over a decade later, he started another company NEXT which his previous company couldn't resist buying and also ended up rehiring him. This is the summation of the life of Steve Jobs and the company, Apple.

This short story shows that what makes a man does not lie in what he possesses but what is on the inside.
A resourceful person can not be stopped. If his physical possessions are taken away, he has the capcity to reproduce and even exceed what he first had.

Life can happen to a man, people might conspire, situations may not be favourable  but the content of a man announces him. It's only a matter of time before he springs forth.
So when anything comes to knock you down, go back inside and build up, fortify yourself with knowledge, hunger, better qualifications and watch yourself get back in demand and hot.

This simply means you are the only one capable of stopping you.
Go out there and breakforth!


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