Bad days!

Yeah, it was indeed a very long day, and yes, bad. From one crisis to the other. It seemed all I did today was put out fires from point A-Z. 

By the time I got home, I was completely exhausted and sought quiet and a refreshing shower and nap.
Hellooooooooo the kids and other family responsibilities were waiting to welcome me.😭😭😭. Indeed it was one of those days when my body system shut down the minute I hit the bed.

Some days it's like a crazy circus, going round and round. 
Filing in so many roles, from office, to the house and in between you've got deadlines.

Well, if we aren't careful this kind of day will overwhelm one.
But then one MUST take care of himself or herself to be able to function optimally.
Take out some hours to yourself and detoxify, take a nap, take a walk...

At the end of the day, take a rest.


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