Practice makes perfect!

Our Primary four Aunty always had an excuse for why her daughter scarcely joined us for rehearsals.
It was the end of year celebration in our school. The biggest celebration our school held annually, so everyone always took rehearsals and every instructions given very seriously. Which is exactly why we didn't understand Aunty Primary 3 kept making the excuses for her daughter.

For the rest of us who always came out for the two hours daily rehearsals after school, it looked like so much suffering, pains and loads of sacrifices.

The D-Day finally came and we all filed out looking all smart in our white shirts, khaki shorts, white socks and sneakers.
Aunty primary 3 put her daughter right at the front even after she missed 90% of the rehearsals, robbing those of us who practiced our legitimate spot.

The presentations started and for almost every step of the moves, Aunty primary 3's daughter flopped disgracefully.
Great results/achievements do not come by who you know or some random luck.
Nature rewards consistency and kindness. For everything you give(sow) you receive.
True success comes by being consistent in what one does.


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