See what food has caused!

Today was a very hot day in church because it was Mummy Kira's dedication.
Everyone in church already knew it was going to be a happening Sunday because her hubby is a very wealthy man who deals big time in the importation business so, money wasn't a problem.
Secondly, they finally had a baby boy after two girls. Her husband has been so overjoyed since the birth of his son and spared nothing in preparation for today.

Here we were in church after so much dancing, it was time for the entertainment.
Hmmmmmmm my people, it looked like someone pressed the madness activation button.

It begain like a joke until they were almost practically exchanging punch and trading words.
With each other.
So these girls that I've been looking at as clean and posh, admiring from head to toe were right in front of me, dragging food and souvenirs, even collecting multiple times. Hmmmmmmm.

Well, you never know who's watching oh my people. Aunties forgot manners for a plate of rice.
I suddenly overheard the conversation of some guys who attended the dedication in our church
Guy A: What's going on there?
Guy B: Seems they're fighting over souvenirs.
   Ahhhhhhh, Guy A, see the lady you said you     like among them oh. Wow, she just grabbed     the second pack of souvenir.
Guy A: Really, that's terribly. I'm disappointed. 
      Even though I haven't spoken with her, I             was expecting alot better than this                     character exhibited.

Well, I can't say which it is, destiny helper, husband or friend, but one fine Aunty amongst them lost somebody today without knowing it.
Be mindful of how you conduct yourself and even more mindful when in public.


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