Train up your child in the way he should go; but if e no gree...

Chi Baby!
Princess of Okpaga-Elechi dynasty
Crown Princess
Blue blooded
Royalty inside out
The way I landed in hubby's house, he didn't know what hit him. 
A whole Chi Baby like me, you know I make statement anywhere I appear.

So, while we were still dating hubby would just release a booooo ...
At first, I lost peace and all
Would complain and he'd ask me what he should do about a gift from God.

Well, five years into marriage, everyone is farting as e dey hot!
Days ago we were having a very heated argument about hubby's work when boooommmm I released a fart
'Jesus! This is not the girl I married oh. Help!!'
Hubby said.
Remember when I'd beg you to use the restroom for your farting? Well, now it's harvest time because the Bible instructs we, train up a child the way he should go and when he's old, he won't depart from it.


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