We musto educate this education!

These people going to library everyday with big big textbooks what is it sef?
What's the special thing they're doing that somebody cannot do?
Every small thing you'll see Funmi entering the library. The worst part is that most times I'd be coming out of the restaurant when we're crossing paths.
Even Elizabeth will be carrying her nose up while looking down at somebody with those her thick glasses.
And they'd be walking as though they have a secret passcode to first class that others will never know.

I met Funmi again this afternoon just when I was about entering my favourite eatery.
That's how this anger welled up inside me.
I ate my food as quickly as I could, rushed to the hostel I lifted my biggest textbook and bounced into the library. Today all them efikos will see that they do not have monopoly of knowledge.

Four hours later, my eyes had turned red.
Hmmmmmmm, I stretched my legs and faced the task at hand.
I looked at my watch after what seemed like eternity, only to find it was only 30 minutes gone by. 
Ahhhhhhh Oluwa ohhhhhh😭😭😭
What's going on here?

An extra hour and I was seeing double.
They don't even give award for this, why should I kill myself biko.
I looked around, all heads were bent as though nothing was happening.

An extra hour and I knew this was not my calling.
I quietly packed my things and jejely walked out of the library, straight to my room.
I kanot Kant Kee myself 🙄🙄🙄🙄.


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