What a loss😭😭😭😭

I can only imagine
Oh, I can only imagine
The pain
The tears
The questions, why, how?
The disbelief 
The blame
The trauma of loosing a loved one?
Worst, the trauma of loosing a child so dearly beloved, one you just celebrated.

No one deserves to know such pain
No one
The loss of a child you've nursed and loved.

A million and one persons have the perfect reasons, ideas and advice or better still, suggestions on how the parents should parent
Do's and Don't
Counsellors with infinite experience.

And those throwing blames on the mother or father? Shhhhhhhhhh and comeback after nursing yours.
With so many persons in the house, how could a child have found his way outside and drowned in the pool with no one noticing?
We never can tell.

As a parent, this can bring nothing but tears of sorrow to your eyes.
All we can do now is offer prayers and words of comfort to Davido and Chioma for the traumatic loss and also for every parent put there who have lost their child.
God comfort your hearts, give you strength and peace.


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