What's your experience with helps?

Hubby and I have had come to an agreement before we got married that we wouldn't be staying with helps for a million reasons.
The major decider that swayed the pendulum in favour of our decision would be our previous individual experiences with helps from our family home.

I've seen crazy things from helps setting our house ablaze, to the ones who starved us, the ones who did the common stealing and lying to those who got pregnant or ran off and lied, to those ones who also tried breaking homes, stealing baby food, influencing kids negatively, maltreatment of kids kept under their watch and more...

I just read a story of a woman who adopted her niece, took her with her family to the U.K only for niece to turn around and claimed she was brought abroad the nurse and mind the woman's kids and she has been suffering maltreatment since she got to the U.K and just like that, this woman had her kids taken away. She was pregnant at the time of the accident, few months into the drama she gave birth and child welfare took the newborn away from 4 days later.
It took about 9 months to be reunited with her family.

Well, the very foundation of getting help is to outsource chores and the likes to another so one can either rest or focus on other things like work  This singular reason is good enough to have helps, there are also some persons lucky enough to have good hearted helps. These are all good but then the disadvantages of having one far outweighs the advantage.

Well, I pray for everyone getting helps to be blessed with a good one.


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