Christmas fever abi Christmas weather?

Woke up shaking,
This night, the weather was truly something else.
It's been one cold day to another and it seems it's only going to get wesser oh.

I wrapped myself like a Christmas offering and next thing I know I was looking for hubby's warm body to make the night perfect.
Now I understood why Jesus chose to be a December baby.
Cool weather, everybody shaking,
Nobody will tell you to hug your partner.

The night is here again oh
And I'm looking at hubby like the best Christmas package ever.
Even if he wants to quarrel with me this period, I'm not interested oh cos it can only be the devil trying to use cold to kill me.

In Michael Jackson's voice 
'I said you wanna be startin' somethin'You got to be startin' somethin'I said you wanna be startin' somethin'You got to be startin' somethin'

Una goodnight oh!


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