
Where are you headed?
That a person is moving doesn't mean he's making progress.
A person might just be in motion without results. Just on a wild goose chase.

To use the Google map, one must first input his destination and follow the directions it gives.
How about a person inputting his destination and you kick start your car and begin turning into every given junction he feels like. Will such a one ever get to his destination? Hahaha! Not anytime soon.

To make progress in life, one must first have a clear cut destination.
Where are you headed?
Next is direction. What are your plans/goals?
How do you intend to reach your destination?
What route?

Without the aforementioned in place, this is why we find lots of people so so busy, actively going from one place to the other, from one activity to the next, very very busy, with so much passion and speed, without getting anywhere.

It's not how far or how fast. It's better to take one's time in the right direction than to be on a high speed in the wrong direction, heading nowhere.
In all you do, be sure that you're going in the right direction.


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