Kids change everything

Hubby and I were more than excited having our kids.
God blessed us with those lovely Angels even before we asked. Why wouldn't we thank him?

So here we were, three years married with two kids.
Reality began to set in.
Joggling work, school two toddlers and running a home.
I just couldn't so here we go, MSC and work were placed on hold.
Since hubby and I decided we wouldn't be living with any help, one of us had to step in to hold the fort at home.

Overtime, emotions began to rise.
Staying at home, tending to toddlers, chores, post child birth weight gain, and more
I just couldn't help feeling overwhelmed, unfulfilled, saddened and doubtful of myself at some point.
I even began feeling hubby had it rosy and all put together while I bore the weight of everything and the changes in the family.

The narrative that i bore the weight alone wasn't true.
Took awhile but step by step, I things befan to change.
I had to reorientate my mind, to appreciate myself, my efforts, and the woman I had grown to be.
I began to also appreciate the distinct efforts and sacrifices hubby and I put into making the home work.
Little by little the clouds began to give way to sunshine.
I learnt to joggle things, hubby and I created a routine that worked perfectly for us, and the kids growing some form of independence also helped.

Having kids is not something anyone should jump into without giving it due consideration.
Children come with 360° change and life as you know it will no longer exist.
From emotional to psychological and every way in between.
So do not go into the decision of having kids without being prepared for it. 
The consolation is that in the very end, every sacrifice made for our children is always worth it.


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