My Mummy said: tales by moonlight 🌙 🌚

Don't ever beg for food. That's how greed and covetousness starts, next thing is armed robbery and you'll be killed.
Did your Mummy ever say that to you?
Well, my Mummy did say that, and a whole lot more.

Don't borrow. If you don't have it, forget it. You won't die.
Don't pick any money you find on the road oh, that's how many people have turned to yam and fowl.
Don't allow any boy to see your pant cos if they do, you will become pregnant.

Don't beg or collect anything edible from anyone outside and eat. That's how many children got initiated.
This rule right here is the reason for so many sleepless nights or nights inflicted with nightmares.
The supporting evidence to this rule was a Mount Zion film we watched back in the day where a little boy shared puff-puff for fellow kids on the play ground and at night he began to summon them one by one by screaming 'Puff-Puff.
It took several days after watching that movie before I began sleeping on my own again.

There are so many things our mothers told us. Things we grew up to find funny but no matter how funny they were, the heart behind those set of rules was the foundation of Love.


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