'Grrrrrrrrmmmmmm Grrrrrrrrmmmmmm
So Babe, after calling you to beg and explain my predicament, this is what you give me?
Ordinary 5k? What will that even buy for anyone,?
Jumai couldn't believe Zafai ended the call on her.
Zafai called asking for a loan after listing out so many issues she had. They all sounded genuine, urgent and heartbreaking so Jumai sent Zafai money.
However in Zafai's eyes, Jumai was being stingy and didn't want to help her. What Zafai didn't know was that the money Jumai sent her was her very last which was to be spent in buying some food items for her family.
So many people behave like Zafai.
You hear them say 'That my Uncle or Aunty is just wicked. I called her to tell of my problems only for him to say ok, I'll see what I can do. But did nothing because this money they sent me is just chicken change as far as they're concerned.
Those people lending you money, help, services and more try to appreciate them.
People give not because they have in abundance and overflow,
They do so because of the goodness of their heart, the empathy they feel and relationship.
Before you go around condemning people when they give you things, bear in mind first, that everyone has their own struggle and secondly, to give you might be them sacrificing something to make you happy.
So today, instead of complaining let's put on our best smiles and say thank you.
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