
They treat you that way because you're always available
They no longer value what you carry or your person
Over familiarity sets in.
When will you visit? I'd love to have you now becomes It's you again?

The key to staying relevant and not loosing your touch or value around people is never ever be too familiar that you become bare.
Always maintain some level of mystic about your person and your business.

No matter how much they seem to love and chase you now, once they believe they've seen all you're about, then there's nothing enticing anymore to sustain the interest.

Not everyone can handle that level of intimacy of seeing you 100% as you are, awesomeness and flaws and still be intrigued to maintain the relationship respectfully. Therefore, choose when, where to be available to and for people.
Not everyone deserves to have all of you and not everyone deserves that much of your attention.
Test those around you and choose those who you can call your core friends.
Doesn't have to be a million. One genuine friend can be all you need.

Stones of great value are not found on the surface
Remember you are special and unique.
Treat yourself as such.


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