The one who chose to heal others.

At rehearsal today, we listened to our choir director as he recounted several tales to us on how badly he was treated in his early days as a choir member. Well, now he's a choir director and unfortunately he's carrying on the cycle of viciousness.

A certain Lecturer who was always calling hubby to cry and complain about how he was consistently been denied promotion finally got promoted to become a Professor. Guess what? He got into the committee in charge of promotion and was the one who made a proposal for criterias for promotion to become more stringent.

Mummy Roseline always shared her story of when she was an apprentice in her Madam's tailoring shop. The woman was mean, difficult and treated people partially.
Today Mummy R as she's popularly called, owns over four tailoring shops yet she has never been mean to any of her apprentice and always pushes them to get better.

These stories above have one thing in common. We'll not have it smooth all of our days but then what do we do with those experiences life throw at us?
Weaponize it and begin to inflict same wounds on others or become a channel of healing, restoration and hope?
The options are all open to us but I'd suggest we, choose to be life givers.


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