E don cut, E don cut!

The blows were coming in hard torrents and the screaming? That's how we all rushed to our neighbour's house to separate two fighting.
Root cause: Husbandman is a perpetual gambler oh. Today, Wifey came back with her salary. Husband moved salary to go play bet and my brethren, he lost.

Few days ago, hubby's friend called crying over the phone. So far in this month of January he has lost over 200k to betting. He just lost another 80k and was looking for who would give him words of comfort and ended up calling hubby.

Remember the story that made waves on the internet? A guy gave his friend his ATM to withdraw some cash so he could make payment for the things they ate in their evening hangout. Friend vamoosed with the card, withdrew 6mil and used it to play BET!

Finally somebody will tell me he won blablabla. How much have you lost so far?
All these get rich quick schemes are laughable. 
Everyone who got rich through lottery and it's likes, ended up loosing it because such wealth aren't sustainable. They all came back to square zero because they had no financial foundation to maintain the wealth they got.

Ehhhhhhh, Mr A, B and C won millions from this betting so you can't discourage me. What if I become the next person to win the millions.
😳🤣🤣🤣🤣😲 Dey play, just dey play. We dey here dey look you.


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