Ekaete abeg come back

Madam Bridgette was at it again
'Just simple chores Ekaete you can't do. I wonder what your use is. I don't even know what i've gained by bringing you to my house.
Ordinary babysitting Junior and a few house chores, yet I come to find the house untidy and in disarray whenever I return from work?'

Madam Bridgette kept tongue lashing her housekeeper Ekaete. This was a normal routine for her and never stops until her housekeeper ends up in tears.

Well, December 2022, another time to eat and drink and celebrate.
Housekeeper told Madam she'd love to go visit her family for the festivities.
Of course, Madam was reluctant but then, she finally gave her consent and off Ekaete went.

23 days into the new year and Ekaete is yet to return. Madam Bridgette the last time she was seen was at the brink of tears as she explained 'I don't know what I did to my help, I took care of her and treated her right and yet, this is how she repays me?

The issue of helps cannot be exhausted but today is for those who do not treat theirs right.
Madam how market? You wouldn't stop saying those mean things, your callous actions and every other thing you did without having a humane feeling.
Now your help has refused to return you finally get a chance to see how important they are? Good. Let's hope when you're graced to have another, you'd have learnt to be a better person and appreciate what they do.


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